
Greener Kenya

  A Greener Kenya: Choosing the Perfect Tree for Your Region Kenya's diverse landscape offers a perfect home to a wide variety of trees, each with its own unique characteristics and benefits. lets focus  on their suitability for different regions based on height, color, and weather tolerance. Towering Beauties: Trees in Kenya Yellowwood (Podocarpus falcatus): This evergreen giant reaches a majestic 40 meters, casting a dense, cooling shade. It thrives in the wet, high-altitude areas of Kenya. Planting is best done during the rainy season (March-May or October-December) to ensure proper root establishment. Water Pear (Syzygium guineense): Another tall contender, reaching 20-30 meters, the Water Pear boasts glossy green leaves. It prefers the moist coastal regions and performs well in well-drained soil. Plant during the rainy season for optimal growth. Splashes of Color: Croton megalocarpus: This vibrant tree brings a pop of color with its large, glossy leaves that range from gree

paradise garden

OASIS OF FRUITS AT YOUR YARDS.. Planting Paradise: A Look at 9 Fantastic Fruit Trees For those who dream of a backyard bursting with fresh fruit, look no further than fruit trees! These living pantries offer delicious rewards and a connection to nature, but choosing the right ones can be overwhelming. Let's explore nine fantastic fruit trees, from sunshine-loving citrus to shade-tolerant berries, to help you cultivate your own edible oasis.                                                     Dancy Tangerine Tree Dancy Tangerine Tree (Height: 6-8ft, Fruiting: 3-4 years, Weather: Warm, Maintenance: Moderate, Harvest: December-February): This compact citrus tree is perfect for smaller spaces. Enjoy juicy, seedless tangerines in winter with proper watering, sun, and occasional feeding.                                                  Dwarf Elberta Peach Tree Dwarf Elberta Peach Tree (Height: 6-8ft, Fruiting: 2-3 years, Weather: Warm with mild winters, Maintenance: Moderate, Harvest: J